Gene Information
Gene NameTASP1
OrganismHomo sapiens (Human)
Gene Length420
Protein NamesThreonine aspartase 1 (Taspase-1) (EC 3.4.25.-) [Cleaved into: Threonine aspartase subunit alpha; Threonine aspartase subunit beta]
Target NameNA
Target TypeNA
Gene Age1488 ( ENSG00000089123 )
Evolutionary StageCellular_organisms
Gene CardTASP1
Uniprot IDQ9H6P5
In ASDyes
Allosteric Predictionyes (0.283233538)
Ortholog in AnimalsAlpaca_ TASP1 ( ortholog_one2one )
Dog_ TASP1 ( ortholog_one2one )
GuineaPig_ TASP1 ( ortholog_one2one )
Macaque_ TASP1 ( ortholog_one2one )
Mouse_ Tasp1 ( ortholog_one2one )
Pig_ TASP1 ( ortholog_one2one )
Rat_ Tasp1 ( ortholog_one2one )
Rabbit_ TASP1 ( ortholog_one2one )
ParalogsASRGL1, AGA
Tissue SpecificityNA
Pharmacological Animal Models0.070380(Chimpanzee);NULL(Mouse);0.001000(Rat);NULL(Rabbit)
Gene Ontology
(biological process)
Gene Ontology
(cellular component)
Gene Ontology
(molecular function)
PDB 2A8I  (X-ray  2.00A  2A8J  (X-ray  1.90A  2A8L  (X-ray  2.00A  2A8M  (X-ray  2.60A  6UGK  (X-ray  2.15A  6VIN  (X-ray  3.04A 
DBSNP rs904200599 
Subcellular location [CC]NA
Mouse PG classificationNA
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