Gene Information
Gene NameHALR
OrganismHomo sapiens (Human)
Gene Length4911
Protein NamesHistone-lysine N-methyltransferase 2C (Lysine N-methyltransferase 2C) (EC (Homologous to ALR protein) (Myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia protein 3)
Target NameNA
Target TypeNA
Gene AgeNA
Evolutionary StageNA
Gene CardKMT2C
Uniprot IDQ8NEZ4
PfamPF05965; PF05964; PF00628; PF00856
In ASDno
Allosteric PredictionNA
Ortholog in AnimalsNA
Tissue SpecificityHighly expressed in testis and ovary, followed by brain and liver. Also expressed in placenta, peripherical blood, fetal thymus, heart, lung and kidney. Within brain, expression was highest in hippocampus, caudate nucleus, and substantia nigra. Not detected in skeletal muscle and fetal liver.
Pharmacological Animal ModelsNA
Gene Ontology
(biological process)
Gene Ontology
(cellular component)
Gene Ontology
(molecular function)
PDB 2YSM  (NMR  2YUK  (NMR  3UVL  (X-ray  2.20A  4ERY  (X-ray  1.30A  5F59  (X-ray  2.80A  5F6K  (X-ray  2.41A  6KIW  (EM  4.00A  6MLC  (X-ray  1.80A  7W6L  (X-ray  2.26A 
DBSNP rs56850341  rs10454320  rs3735156  rs2838171  rs2838171  rs11771635  rs6951159  rs13231116  rs2270234 
Subcellular location [CC]Nucleus {ECO:0000269|PubMed:23508102}.
Mouse PG classificationNA
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