Gene Information
Gene NameDIR
OrganismHomo sapiens (Human)
Gene Length371
Protein NamesVasopressin V2 receptor (V2R) (AVPR V2) (Antidiuretic hormone receptor) (Renal-type arginine vasopressin receptor)
Target NameNA
Target TypeNA
Gene AgeNA
Evolutionary StageNA
Gene CardAVPR2
Uniprot IDP30518
In ASDno
Allosteric PredictionNA
Ortholog in AnimalsNA
Tissue SpecificityKidney.
Pharmacological Animal ModelsNA
Gene Ontology
(biological process)
Gene Ontology
(cellular component)
Gene Ontology
(molecular function)
PDB 4JQI  (X-ray  2.60A  6NI2  (EM  4.00A  6U1N  (EM  4.00A  7BB6  (EM  4.20A  7BB7  (EM  4.40A  7DF9  (X-ray  3.17A  7DFA  (X-ray  2.54A  7DFB  (X-ray  3.28A  7DFC  (X-ray  2.49A  7DW9  (EM  2.60A  7KH0  (EM  2.80A 
DBSNP rs5196  rs2071126  rs5198  rs104894759  rs193922112  rs150351033  rs104894754  rs104894760  rs104894758  rs28935496  rs796052096  rs104894747  rs1557100610  rs104894761  rs104894756  rs104894756  rs5200  rs104894757  rs104894748  rs104894755  rs782806507  rs104894750  rs104894749  rs112109182  rs149668713  rs61733407  rs104894752  rs193922122  rs1557100917  rs193922123  rs146350208 
Subcellular location [CC]Cell membrane {ECO:0000269|PubMed:23236378};
Multi-pass membrane protein {ECO:0000305}.
Mouse PG classificationNA
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