Disease Information
Disease Name Gene Name Type UMLS Association Type Score Source
Spastic paraplegia 12, autosomal dominant RTN2 disease C1858106 GeneticVariation 0.7 orphanet , disgenet
Spastic paraplegia 12, autosomal dominant RTN2 disease C1858106 CausalMutation 0.7 orphanet , disgenet
Spastic paraplegia 12, autosomal dominant RTN2 disease C1858106 GermlineCausalMutation 0.7 orphanet , disgenet
Spastic paraplegia 12, autosomal dominant RTN2 disease C1858106 Biomarker 0.7 orphanet , disgenet
Spastic paraplegia 12, autosomal dominant PPM1N disease C1858106 CausalMutation 0.1 disgenet
Spastic paraplegia 12, autosomal dominant PPM1N disease C1858106 GeneticVariation 0.1 disgenet
Spastic paraplegia 12, autosomal dominant UBAP1 NA C1858106 NA NA orphanet
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