Disease Information
Disease Name Gene Name Type UMLS Association Type Score Source
Noonan neurofibromatosis syndrome NF1 disease C2931482 GeneticVariation 0.78 orphanet , disgenet
Noonan neurofibromatosis syndrome NF1 disease C2931482 GermlineCausalMutation 0.78 orphanet , disgenet
Noonan neurofibromatosis syndrome NF1 disease C2931482 CausalMutation 0.78 orphanet , disgenet
Noonan neurofibromatosis syndrome NF1 disease C2931482 Biomarker 0.78 orphanet , disgenet
Noonan neurofibromatosis syndrome MAP2K2 disease C2931482 GermlineCausalMutation 0.3 orphanet , disgenet
Noonan neurofibromatosis syndrome PTPN11 disease C2931482 GeneticVariation 0.04 disgenet
Noonan neurofibromatosis syndrome RASA1 disease C2931482 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
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