Disease Information
Disease Name Gene Name Type UMLS Association Type Score Source
Male sterility due to Y-chromosome deletions RBMY1A1 phenotype C2931163 GeneticVariation 0.3 disgenet
Male sterility due to Y-chromosome deletions DAZ2 phenotype C2931163 GeneticVariation 0.3 disgenet
Male sterility due to Y-chromosome deletions USP9Y phenotype C2931163 ChromosomalRearrangement 0.3 disgenet
Male sterility due to Y-chromosome deletions DAZ4 phenotype C2931163 GeneticVariation 0.3 disgenet
Male sterility due to Y-chromosome deletions DDX3Y phenotype C2931163 GeneticVariation 0.3 disgenet
Male sterility due to Y-chromosome deletions TSPY1 phenotype C2931163 GermlineModifyingMutation 0.3 disgenet
Male sterility due to Y-chromosome deletions DAZ3 phenotype C2931163 GeneticVariation 0.3 disgenet
Male sterility due to Y-chromosome deletions DAZ1 phenotype C2931163 GeneticVariation 0.3 disgenet
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