Disease Information
Disease Name Gene Name Type UMLS Association Type Score Source
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ALK disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.6 orphanet , disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ALK disease C0206180 CausalMutation 0.6 orphanet , disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ALK disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.6 orphanet , disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ALK disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.6 orphanet , disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell STAT3 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.4 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell STAT3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.4 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell STAT3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.4 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HSP90AA1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.32 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TWIST1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.3 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ACVRL1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ACVRL1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ACVRL1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TP53 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNFRSF8 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNFRSF8 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TP53 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNFRSF8 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NPM1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SLPI disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNFRSF8 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NPM1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NPM1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TP53 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SLPI disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SLPI disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.1 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IRF4 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.09 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IRF4 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.09 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell JUN disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell JUN disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MYC disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell JUNB disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell JUNB disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD274 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNF disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNF disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD274 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MYC disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNF disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MYC disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.08 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell DUSP22 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.07 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell DUSP22 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.07 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDKN1B disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.07 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BCL2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.07 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BCL2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.07 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BCL2 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.07 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell DUSP22 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.07 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDKN1B disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.07 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL1R1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.06 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL1R1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.06 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL1R1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.06 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell WDR48 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.06 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell WDR48 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.06 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell COIL disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.06 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell WDR48 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.06 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell COIL disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.06 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell COIL disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.06 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RTEL1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RTEL1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell JUND disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell JUND disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FOSB disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FOS disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FOSB disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NOS2 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDKN2A disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FOS disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NOS2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NOS1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NOS1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDKN2A disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDKN2A disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.05 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell KIT disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ATIC disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PDLIM7 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TPM3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TPM3 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NCAM1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell KIT disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ATIC disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TPM3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NCAM1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BCL3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PDLIM7 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IGH disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BCL3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CEBPB disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IGH disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CEBPB disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MCL1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.04 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL6 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell JAK3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ANPEP disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL6 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IFNG disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ANPEP disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TP63 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell AKT1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell UVRAG disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MSN disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PDGFRB disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell EZH2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell UVRAG disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TP63 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MAPK3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BATF3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TP63 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell UVRAG disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MAPK3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CKAP4 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CKAP4 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL10 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BATF3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MSN disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NTRK1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PDGFRB disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NFKB1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CLU disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IFNG disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CLU disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell AKT1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NTRK1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RPE65 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell GZMB disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RPE65 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CLU disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RPE65 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CIB1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FAS disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell LGALS1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CKAP4 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell EZH2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell LGALS1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL10 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL10 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.03 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TRBV20OR9-2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BSG disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TRBV20OR9-2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MS4A1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BSG disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDKN1A disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDKN1A disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SPN disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PTPRC disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NR0B2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CASP3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PTPRC disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL17A disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell COL15A1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL17A disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell EML4 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PIK3CG disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TFG disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PTPN11 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell COL15A1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TFG disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNFSF8 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HERPUD1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PRF1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell DPP4 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PIK3CB disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CCR3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PTPN11 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HERPUD1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNFSF8 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ETFA disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SOAT1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell WAS disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TIA1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CLIP1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell VEGFA disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PDGFRA disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ETFA disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PDGFRA disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell EML4 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell WAS disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TIMP1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SOAT1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell VEGFA disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TIMP1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell DPP4 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MAGEH1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell INSR disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PWWP3A disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PIK3CD disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL5 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SMUG1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MUC1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MUC1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PNLIP disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDK6 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell STAT1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SNAP25 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ISG20 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDK6 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL2 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CCR3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FOXP3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PTPN6 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BCL10 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CLIP1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MIR155 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDKN2B disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SNAP25 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NOTCH1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL2RA disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDKN2B disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell INSR disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CASP3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MAGEH1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL22 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PIK3CA disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL22 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell KRT20 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MAPK8 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PART1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CLTC disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MIR155 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.02 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNFRSF1A disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PCYT1A disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TRAP1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD46 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell DUSP5 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MIR150 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NFKB2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell GRAP2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BLNK disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell E2F2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CCL11 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FGFR4 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ASCC1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell DOK2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FUT4 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NFKB2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NAPSA disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FUT1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD40 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell H3P42 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ETS1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CSF1R disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CYP51A1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RENBP disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CXCR3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PRSS1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PKM disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell LDLR disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RNF213 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PRSS3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ZNF652 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PAEP disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MAP3K8 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FOXO3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BMS1P20 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ADARB1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SOCS3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CHP1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ARHGEF7 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BCL2L11 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MIR146A disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FKBP4 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SUB1 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RHOV disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TACSTD2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MYH9 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FOXO1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CARS2 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CARS1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NXT1 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CCND1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell EBI3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RORC disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell H3P40 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CASP8 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell GRB2 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PRDM8 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CCL5 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RAF1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TCHHL1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CARS1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MIR29A disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BAX disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell YY1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FASLG disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PTN disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CTNNB1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SQLE disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TRAF2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell H3P10 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell GNLY disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ITK disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell H3P9 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BATF disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HSPA1B disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CCNT1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ST6GAL1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ID2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MTOR disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RIPK1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PAX5 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BAK1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PDLIM2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CERNA3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HSPA1A disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CXCL14 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IGF1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MIR135B disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BIRC2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PRSS2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NFATC1 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CFLAR disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RAG2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TSPYL2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MIR494 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FLT3 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell EPHB2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CAPG disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RBAK disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SKAP1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TRIM32 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HOXC6 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ERBB4 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell GTF2H4 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD96 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell GDE1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell STAT5B disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ABCB1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FRA7H disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PRDM1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BCL2L1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CALM2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SCT disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDK9 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PTK2B disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD28 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HRNR disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TRAF1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ICAM1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD99 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SERPINB9 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RPS6 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CSF2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CCR8 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MAP2K7 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CCL17 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell S100B disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BIRC3 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HOXC5 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL18R1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell GLI1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RHOA disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RPL18A disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MDK disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL9 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CCL22 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MAPK1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ZHX2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RAG1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell AHR disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PTBP1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MAPK14 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BRAF disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD68 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SLC12A9 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HDAC1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RB1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PDCD1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SHH disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FN1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RGL4 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TGFB1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell S100A1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NRP1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TP53INP1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CLTCL1 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell NGF disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PSIP1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell IL17F disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MRPL28 disease C0206180 PosttranslationalModification 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TMOD1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BACH1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD52 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TYK2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RPS6KB1 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TNFRSF1B disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell HDAC2 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CADM1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell TBC1D9 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MTAP disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MIR17HG disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell WIPF1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ZAP70 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PDCD1LG2 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell ARNT disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell LINC01013 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell S100A10 disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell FLT4 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SERPINA1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BTK disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CROT disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell RPTN disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell SMG1 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell BCL6 disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell PTEN disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CD44 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell EGFR disease C0206180 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell MCC disease C0206180 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Lymphoma, Anaplastic Large-Cell CDC42 disease C0206180 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
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