Disease Information
Disease Name Gene Name Type UMLS Association Type Score Source
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism KMT2A disease C1854630 GeneticVariation 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism KMT2A disease C1854630 GermlineCausalMutation 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism KMT2A disease C1854630 Biomarker 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism KMT2A disease C1854630 CausalMutation 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism SMC1A disease C1854630 GeneticVariation 0.41 disgenet
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism SMC1A disease C1854630 GermlineCausalMutation 0.41 disgenet
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism SMC1A disease C1854630 CausalMutation 0.41 disgenet
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism SMC3 disease C1854630 CausalMutation 0.11 disgenet
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism SMC3 disease C1854630 GeneticVariation 0.11 disgenet
Growth Deficiency and Mental Retardation with Facial Dysmorphism TASP1 disease C1854630 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
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