Disease Information
Disease Name Gene Name Type UMLS Association Type Score Source
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity CYP19A1 disease C1970109 GeneticVariation 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity CYP19A1 disease C1970109 Biomarker 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity CYP19A1 disease C1970109 AlteredExpression 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity CYP19A1 disease C1970109 GermlineCausalMutation 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity ESR1 disease C1970109 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity CYP2B6 disease C1970109 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity TRPM7 disease C1970109 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity CFC1 disease C1970109 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity IL6 disease C1970109 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity PPARG disease C1970109 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity CREB1 disease C1970109 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity AR disease C1970109 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity IGF1 disease C1970109 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity GH1 disease C1970109 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity SHBG disease C1970109 AlteredExpression 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity EGF disease C1970109 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Familial gynecomastia, due to increased aromatase activity PELP1 disease C1970109 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
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