Disease Information
Disease Name Gene Name Type UMLS Association Type Score Source
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome TP63 disease C0406704 Biomarker 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome TP63 disease C0406704 GermlineCausalMutation 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome TP63 disease C0406704 GeneticVariation 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome UVRAG disease C0406704 GeneticVariation 0.1 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome CKAP4 disease C0406704 Biomarker 0.1 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome RPE65 disease C0406704 GeneticVariation 0.1 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome UVRAG disease C0406704 Biomarker 0.1 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome CKAP4 disease C0406704 GeneticVariation 0.1 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome RPE65 disease C0406704 Biomarker 0.1 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome EEC1 disease C0406704 GeneticVariation 0.03 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome EEC1 disease C0406704 PosttranslationalModification 0.03 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome EEC1 disease C0406704 Biomarker 0.03 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome LRP1 disease C0406704 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome TP53 disease C0406704 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome PMAIP1 disease C0406704 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome DHRS3 disease C0406704 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Ectrodactyly-cleft lip-palate syndrome PRIMA1 disease C0406704 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
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