Disease Information
Disease Name Gene Name Type UMLS Association Type Score Source
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome SIX1 disease C0265234 GeneticVariation 0.9 orphanet , disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome SIX1 disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.9 orphanet , disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome EYA1 disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome EYA1 disease C0265234 GeneticVariation 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome EYA1 disease C0265234 AlteredExpression 0.8 orphanet , disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome SIX5 disease C0265234 GeneticVariation 0.53 orphanet , disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome SIX5 disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.53 orphanet , disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome TFAP2A disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.3 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome CDCA8 disease C0265234 GeneticVariation 0.02 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome DACH1 disease C0265234 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome NDUFB9 disease C0265234 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome SHARPIN disease C0265234 GeneticVariation 0.01 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome AFP disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome EYA2 disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome EYA4 disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome SALL1 disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome RBCK1 disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
Branchio Oto Renal Syndrome OTX2 disease C0265234 Biomarker 0.01 disgenet
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